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Discover Khiri Travel's Exciting New Offerings at Further East 2023

Meet the Khiri Team at Further East in Bali!

We are delighted to share the exciting news that Khiri Travel will be present at Further East 2023 in Bali this year. Our team, which includes Mahiru Fernando, General Manager of Sri Lanka, and Aaron Edgington, General Manager of Vietnam, is eagerly looking forward to engaging in comprehensive discussions with you about our extensive range of products and services.

Meeting Khiri Travel at this event presents an exceptional opportunity for us to showcase our dynamic new offerings to you! Our product portfolio is diverse, encompassing Khiri Signature, Khiri Select, Khiri WOW, Khiri Personality, Khiri Sundowners, and many other experiences. Khiri Travel takes pride in crafting these experiences from the ground up, ensuring they consistently stand out and create unforgettable memories.

Mahiru Fernando GM of Sri Lanka

Aaron Edgington GM of Vietnam

We eagerly anticipate meeting with you and exploring how we can collaborate to provide the finest services for your clients!

For additional information about Further East 2023, please visit furthereast.co. Our team is looking forward to meeting you in Bali.

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