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Category: Responsible

1 February 2022
Inspirations, Press Releases, Responsible
Responsible Icons: People & Planet
Khiri Travel aims to maximize the positive effects of tourism on individuals and local communities while minimizing negative ...
1 February 2022
Culinary, Inspirations, Responsible
Vocation Training in Southeast Asia
The Asian cuisine is definitely one of the reasons to visit one of the Khiri destinations – Thai Currys, Vietnamese Pho, Indo...
24 January 2022
Inspirations, Responsible
The Elephant in the Room
Over the past 25 years, the rapid increase in tourism in South East Asia has had a huge effect on the demand for elephant-rel...
17 January 2022
Adventure Travel, Family, Khiri Travel Thailand, Responsible
Thailand National Park
When it comes to wildlife and natural beauty, Thailand has a lot to offer. The country is said to be home to 285 mammal speci...
17 January 2022
Adventure Travel, Khiri Travel Cambodia, Responsible
Natural beauty of Kep National Park
The stunning seaside town of Kep is located on Cambodia’s south coast. It is only a three-hour journey from Phnom Penh by roa...
10 January 2022
Adventure Travel, Art & Culture, Khiri Travel Indonesia, People, Responsible
Senaru Villages & Waterfall Walk
Near the well-known Indonesian island of Bali are several other lesser-known islands, one of them being Lombok.